Next Steps

There are plenty of ways to get involved in the life of the church! Instead of a one size fits all track, look through these options and jump in where you feel led. If none of these sound right or if there’s another way you see yourself getting involved, reach out to the pastor by calling the office, emailing, stopping by, or sticking around after church.

First Things:

I want to make church a habit – The easiest way to do that is to set a Sunday alarm and try it out for a few weeks. You can check our calendar and import events you’re interested in onto your own calendar.

I want to stay updated on what’s happening around the church – Great! Sign up for our newsletter. Each week, you’ll get some info on special events, updates from our groups, and the latest news.

Most Important Things:

I want to be baptizedreach out to the pastor. We can talk about baptism and living your life as a disciple of Jesus. Keep in mind, if you’ve been baptized in another church, we trust that it took. You do not need to be re-baptized. But, if you feel the need to rededicate your life to Christ, we can explore that together too.

I want to be a member – Keep in mind that there are no exclusive membership benefits here! Worship, groups, communion, and everything else we do are available for all people. So, why be a member? It’s a great way to commit yourself to the church and a prerequisite to serving on one of our ministry groups or as an elder or deacon. Reach out to the pastor or come forward during the “invitation to discipleship” towards the end of a worship service.

Living Faithfully:

I want to connect with people – We have a couple of different groups for that! You can check out our men’s and women’s groups. You can drop in on one of our Sunday school classes at 9 am. You can join Lunch Bunch for a meal on Tuesdays (keep up with the newsletter for updates on where they’re heading). Or just stick around after worship and get to talking with folks.

I want my kids to get plugged in – Amen! We have a couple of options depending on your child’s age. First, the nursery. We have experienced childcare professionals so you can worship with us while they’re cared for properly. Next, there’s children’s church. Finally, for our middle and high school-aged youth, check out our youth group. The easiest way for young people to get involved is to show up at 9 am on Sundays and check out our various Sunday schools.

I want to share my musical gifts – Whether you’ve been playing an instrument for 50 years or have never sung a song ever in your life, whether it’s playing bells, joining the choir, or sharing your own musical gifts; we want to hear it! Reach out to our music minister and we will make it happen.

I want to grow in faith – Great! The two best ways to grow are through prayer and study. Try out our Wednesday small groups. Also, know that a church helps you grow tremendously. But, there’s plenty you can do on your own too. If you want to get familiar with the Bible, read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). It’s the longest continuous teaching from Jesus. Next, find a devotional you like or start studying books of the Bible that interest you. If you’ve gone a bit deeper, talk to the pastor about your interests and questions. He almost certainly has a book recommendation or a handout.

I want to serve – Check out our missions page and keep up to date with the newsletter. We have plenty of ways to serve others together!